Canción Manchester City vs Inter Milan 1-0 (Parodia GALA – Freed from desire)

Parodia Musical de GALA – Freed from desire [Official Video]
Manchester City vs Inter Milano UEFA Champions League Final 2023 – Like & Suscríbete! 😀
Gracias a @IGStudiosMx por la mezcla:

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Suscríbete! 😀 gol de Rodrigo Rodri’s on fire jaja


The video is fair use, because of four factors:

1. The purpose and character of the use: The use is transformative. Its meaning is different because it is a musical parody with the purpose of entertaining.
2. The nature of the work: They are factual works that happened in a stadium and that could have been filmed with a phone.
3. The amount and substantiality of the portion: I am not borrowing the 93 minutes of the game, but borrowing small bits of 2 seconds. The video in total is less than 3 minutes, much less than 95.
4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for the work: I am advertising the competition so the copyright owners can profit more from their original work. Plus, courts have accepted the use in cases involving parodies.

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